Friday, March 28, 2003

And yes! I was right. There is indeed something there. It turns out to be prose of some sort. I think a short story but who knows. Could be a novella. Could even be a novel. If so, hold onto your monkeys because they'll be tearing down the curtains when they hear the cursing as I work my through the hundred thousand words involved.

Here is the beginning. There's more written today but I'm getting goofy and it's time for me to head off to bed since I'm starting to think the cats are secretly ghosts.

Angels In Black Suits
by Georgiana Lee

I saw the first one the first day of first grade. It was the first time I walked myself to school. It was only one block but I was very proud of myself. A day of firsts for me; the third daughter of a family that would turn out to be a family of eleven or twelve depending on how you counted.

I hardly ever counted. I mostly hid. There was something that ran through my family that frightened me deeply. It was more than the screaming, the fighting, the hitting, the broken bones, the hospital stays and the sudden silences. It was something terrible and grim that slid off my brain like blood slides down a cheek.

My first day of first grade my father was asleep in his room. We had to keep quiet during the day. He worked nights. Doing what nobody really knew. He wore a strange costume to work. He called it a uniform but I knew better. A uniform was what the guy who worked at the gas station or the fire station wore. The thing my father wore had hoses and hooks and spikes and when he came home it had dull red stuff all over it and he had this special smile on his face.


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