Tuesday, October 24, 2006

And the elderly shall walk the earth

Cullen and I just came back from dropping books off at the library. In an effort to get there and get back in a reasonable time so he could go to sleep and still get up at 5:30 I looked at a map and found the closest branch to us, which I shall not name. It's one I think of as the poor, neglected branch of the system, in a neighborhood that doesn't seem to have a lot of readers.

The library itself is kind of creepy and queerly designed. It's got a ramp in the back so you can get up the stairs if you're in a wheelchair but it looks like it wasn't so much designed as thrown together by a couple of drunken brother-in-laws over a three day weekend.

The book drop is at the other end of the building so Cul walked around while I drove up to meet him, half expecting someone with a chainsaw to leap out of the bushes or from behind one of the odd little niches built into the library. Nobody attacked up but we passed an elderly woman, who was standing in the median strip on Route 2, just kind of staring.

Now mind you, I think that if you want to stand around in the middle of the road at ten at night in the cold that's your lookout and I'm not going to tell you not to but it was decidedly odd. Then, a few minutes later, we passed another elderly woman, wearing pink, walking along Millersville road. I debated stopping and asking if she needed a ride but I didn't want to scare her and she was walking along at a pretty good clip so I didn't.

I don't know, most of the pedestrians around here are kids who go to the middle or the high school. Elderly women are pretty rare. Two in one night is a first. So there is only one conclusion I can come to. Zombies. Yep, it's started and old ladies are the first to be affected. This should prove very interesting.


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