Monday, January 15, 2007

More about false hopes

I read this article in WaPo with amazement and horror. The jist of the story is that an American team is making plans to transplant a uterus.

Mind you I understand the appeal of this procedure, I have friends who have gone through horrible treatment trying to get pregnant and I know how strong the drive to procreate is BUT if you read the article you'll see that preparing to do this surgery now is cruel and dangerous.

No animal with a transplanted uterus has gotten pregnant yet, much less borne a fetus to term.

Nobody knows if a transplanted uterus is capable of supporting a developing fetus.

This surgery has to cost thousands, my guess is a couple hundred grand based on my experience paying medical claims, and surely no insurance is going to cover something that isn't medically necessary.

Anyone who would schedule this surgery is preying on a woman who is in a fragile emotional state.

It sickens me. I'd have been a lot happier and more excited if I read about an artificial womb that had been designed. Those you can closely monitor every second of the day.

Finally check out this quote, it takes the cake:

Natural childbirth can be very risky, but women choose that in many parts of the world. I do not think this is in any sense reckless when you compare this to that," Del Priore said.

I could just scream.

EDITED to say; after discussing this story with someone in the tactile world I want to be very clear that I've labeled this story as a scam because I don't believe for a minute that whoever did the animal transplants never tried to impregnate the animals. I think they did and either conception failed or the pregnancies failed.

Saying these transplants are successful without a viable pregnancy and delivery is like saying a heart transplant is successful while never turning the bypass machine back on.

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