Saturday, November 01, 2008

NaNoWriMo 2008

It's November first, which means I won't have any spare time for the next month. I've taken part in NaNoWriMo since 2003, winning it every year except 2004 (which was a bad year what with my brain swelling and losing part of my vision and all), and even then I could have done it if I'd had a little more faith. Instead I spent the time planning out and working on what became Quality Time Weekly, which is about to enter its fifth year so overall I'd say it wasn't a total bust.

Anyway, this year I'm starting November exhausted, which isn't a good sign. I've having a lot of trouble sleeping, staying awake until four or five most mornings then dragging through the day. I was up until four, had repeated nightmares about being bitten by the same stupid rattlesnake and finally gave up around ten am.

I woke up this morning and thought I need to write 1667 words for NaNo, start next week's Quality Time, write something for Shoestring Living, take care of some bills, work out for 36 minutes (a strange goal but it's this week's goal) then do it all again the next day and the next and the next and the next and so I did the sensible thing and read the first two hundred pages of Will's book The Gospel of the Knife instead...

I don't know, maybe I could just write the entire thing over Thanksgiving? That way I can keep working on this dreadfully slow German Shepherd Dog thing I've been trying to write since May. Sigh. (I think I finally hit 70,000 words last night.)

I did manage to write 500 words or so after midnight last night so there's only 46,500 to go. I can do that, can't I?



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