Thursday, March 04, 2004

Where's Trixi?

"You're too old for this imaginary friend crap" said Ma.

I tightened my shoulders and said nothing. What was there to say?

"Turn around and look at me."

I didn't.

"I raised you better than this. I raised you to respect your elders. Look at me."

I spun and stared at her with three decade of frustration boiling out of me. "Respect what Ma? Don't you think that respect is a two way street? Aren't I old enough to deserve some of my own? Don't you know how it hurts me when you act like Trixi never existed? Like my pain at losing her never existed? Like I'm crazy for even thinking about her much less thinking she is still alive?"

Ma snorted and left the room. "You are crazy" was all she said.


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