Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Who is your test group?

Carolyn told me something today that I found hard to believe. She was listening to the radio and the DJ asked what scares people more than death and to call in with the answer. The answer was spiders.

That's grand because people are indeed frightened of spiders but more frightened than they are of death? I asked if someone held a gun to someone's head and gave them a choice of a bullet to the brain or a spider crawling up their nose what they would take. Carolyn said she didn't know. I know. People would take the spider most of the time. I don't care how scared of spiders you are, imminent death is scary.

But I did eventually think of one group who would choose death every time. The arachnaphobic suicide prevention support group.


At 8:35 PM, Blogger Grant said...

I found a link from Dave Barry's blog that claimed this was based on a British study. Maybe they're using metric fear.

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Georgiana said...

Ooh an excellent point. Or possibly their 80% is like their billions and is secretly much larger than ours so that really it's .8%. It's good to remember you need perspective as well as a knowledge of who was studied.


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