Sin City, Vol 1. The Love Bug
Last night I read Sin City, Vol. One. I don't understand why the chick don't dig Marv. He's loyal, he's tough, he's fierce, he's big! He hates guys that hurt dames. Tell me you wouldn't feel safe walking down a dark alley with him at your side.
Okay, yes he is confused and somewhat crazy but hell, who isn't confused and crazy sometimes? We live in a crazy world.
Just as my friend Kathy once said that in the right circumstances she would date a Wookie, in the right circumstances I would date Marv.
After I finished Sin City I picked up the next book in my stack o reading material and read The Love Bug, novelisation of the 1960s film. I wouldn't exactly tell all my friends to go and read it.
The most interesting thing I noticed is that the author never said VW or Bug or Beetle. There were a very few quotes where characters say lines with the words beetle or bug but I got the feeling those came straight out of the script. Herbie is called "the little car" at least a hundred times. Did the writer forget the make and model? Did VW tell them they couldn't use the name? I wonder.
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