Windy days
We've been having quite a few storms the past couple of weeks, witness the flooding post of recent days. The cable has been in and out, which is annoying since that's how I connect to the internet and I work from home so I've had to dialup, which is not that big a deal, except somehow it is. We've been lucky in that our power has stayed on. But there's been damage to trees in the neighborhood, the one across the street was dismantled by a team and carried away earlier in the week, and the little animals that live in trees are in rough shape.
The robin's nest on the way to Cam's school, which had two eggs in it recently, was blown apart and one of the fledglings died. He found the other on the ground and dispaired of getting it back into the ruined nest and brought it home, tucked safely into a corner of his homework folder all filled with grass.
We followed the directions of a local wildlife rescue center and fed it some worms (three!!) which was interesting because it would open its enormous mouth when Cam cheeped at it, then Cam rebuilt its nest and tucked it away and came home. The lady who owns the house where the tree is was going through her "you kids stay off my lawn" routine but was kinder when she saw what he was doing.
He went back a couple of hours later to check on it, during a lot of wind, and it was back on the ground. He could hear birds in the bushes that he hoped were the parents so he tried again, building up the nest again, but in the morning the nest was in tatters and something had been at the baby, which was in pieces.
So I have to wonder if we should have tried to keep it in the house overnight but we've got cats and baby birds are awfully hard to take care of. It barely had pinfeathers, so was quite young. None of the rescues were open or answering voicemail so we did what we could. The whole thing is depressing.
In blood news my PT/INR is too high again, with my PT being 45. It's bizarre that I have blood that is too thin and a little blood clot. Not at all anxious making... So now no coumadin and retest on Friday. Then of course the three day weekend so I probably will not get any followup until Tuesday, at which point I'll have a giant clot after being off the coumadin for a week. That's depressing too.
But on the positive side Cam has a 99.1 in his world history class. That's pretty happy making.
Labels: baby birds, PT/INR
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