Saturday, June 21, 2008

When I was a very small boy

There are a lot of ticks out this season. I went to the doctor on Thursday and Chris ran around in the woods, climbing over fallen trees and trudging through the swamp muck and got two ticks. He's gotten one earlier after doing some yard work for a friend so total was three in one day. Which is you know, more than the entire family has gotten in the preceding ten years...

A couple of people have written to ask what I'm writing now. I started a project that was inspired by this ad:

I'm about six thousand words into it and things are happening, like a little girl stole the dog, but I've been unsure where I'm going with it and not entirely sure the story was ready to be told but then a couple of minutes ago I figured out the most important thing so hopefully it will work.

Cam went to Alaska on Monday, via Georgia, which I don't quite understand as it's kind of in the opposite direction. He called on Wednesday because he was bored but yesterday he went salmon fishing so hopefully he's having a good time.

Chris im'ed this video to me. It's weirdly like a dream I was having when he sent it, which makes it even stranger.

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