Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cat House Project!!

Here's a hilarious ad from CraigsList outlining a great plan to raise money for the Humane Society of Baltimore County. http://baltimore.craigslist.org/pet/774413364.html

I quote:

Our latest fund raiser in this cause involves “Kitty Porn”. We have created a calendar for 2009 featuring twelve mostly middle aged, mostly out of shape, mostly Jewish, and completely naked REFOBs (Reasonable Facsimiles of Bikers)! Since our most tender areas are covered by cats, it is suitable for display in family areas (eating areas not recommended). The calendars are $20 and all profits go to The CatHouse Project. E-mail me at the "reply to" address for information about ordering our calendar.
They sound rather brave don't they? Cats are a little too spike to be safe near the tender areas...



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