Thursday, September 04, 2008

Migraine town

I went to see my hematologist yesterday and had to wait for about an hour in a room with a flickering florescent light. I should have asked for a different room but I thought I wouldn't have to wait that long. End result, migraine all day today. Then I took Cam to his doctor for a sinus thing and the power kept going out so the florescent light kept flickering. Sigh.

Interestingly the Wii fit verified that my balance gets out of whack when my brain flares up. I took my daily balance test and scored a mere 35%, half of what I got yesterday. My Wii Fit age also jumped up ten years but I guess that's to be expected.

My PT/INR was weird again, back down too low to 1.3. This time I have an idea why as I'm now taking synthetic thyroid hormones, which interfere with the action of the coumadin. Hopefully I'll get it all straightened out after increasing my dose by fifty percent.

Sadly two of our rats have developed mammary tumors. This is particularly distressing because I've had them on this plan I call the happy rat plan where we've given them foods rich in antioxidants and avoided treats that I thought would be unhealthy for them. The two dark brown hooded rats are still doing quite well. One of those girls is about six months younger than the other three so I would hope she didn't get sick at the same time. Hopefully these guys will stay free of the fast acting brain cancer our last two girls had. I'm not brave enough to face any more pet losses.

Our cat Titan is getting too old and cranky to groom himself so I bought him a brush and a comb. Cam has also been giving him a shower or a bath once a week, which is good for allergies but usually kind of hard to manage. I don't know if Titan is just mellowing out or is feeling too feeble to complain strenously. No bloodshed so far so Cam can continue being much braver than I.

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