Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Definitive proof that times are tough

Take a look at this "part time job." It's for donating plasma, which is an important service. I've had to have plasma transfusions myself, twice; once when I had meningitis and once when my PT/INR was crazily too high. But this "job" isn't just donating plasma, it's for a specific type of plasma.

If you have received at least 4 doses of the anthrax vaccine, with the most recent dose in the last 21 days:
-You are eligible for immediate plasma donation

If you have received at least 3 doses of the anthrax vaccine:
-You are eligible for plasma donation about two weeks after your next dose*

If you have never received the anthrax vaccine:
-You are eligible for plasma donation about 6 months after you begin receiving the vaccine*
*To participate you need to be eligible to receive the anthrax vaccine. You can receive the anthrax vaccine by 1) requesting an immunization at your military installation or 2) at our Frederick Biologicals plasma center.

Once you get up to speed on your anthrax you can donate twice a week and bring home a hundred bucks a pop! Go free market!!!



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