Friday, June 06, 2003

My ultimate plan of being a working writer/actor has me thinking. Do you have to kind of tone down things if you're having a pisser of a day?

Let's say you're famous enough that someone actually reads your blog. Someone besides your friends and your fans from your other writing sites. And you have a huge fight with your wife. You can't exactly say that rotten cold bitch wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise!

Of course you probably wouldn't want to say that anyway because you'd just regret it later when you go back to remembering that's she's not really a rotten cold bitch you're just upset because some lesser talent got a part you want.

So I'm thinking that posting about your politics and religious views is good because it is part of who you are and how you think. But probably not petty squabbles.

So let's talk about writing for a bit. I tracked down an agent I really have a lot of respect for and she said to send her my best work. Which is good, exciting, terrifying, all of that but my best work is Carnal Fear and it's not finished. She says finish it and send it in.

Now I am afraid I'll rush my book. Finish it and miss out on all that I have been adding to it that's coming out of my own life. All the beauty and pain that I have every day somehow makes its way into CF. I was going to put the musings about hope in.

I wrote to Will Shetterly for advice. He and Emma Bull gave me great advice about diabetes (glucose tolerance test number two tomorrow) so maybe he can help with how to talk to an agent. Chris says be myself. I told him it's like having a date with someone you've had a crush on for a year. Panic and change clothes 20 times. He says I'm past that stage, I've already got the date. So I say I guess now we're at the picking out the wine stage.

I'd like to send her Drunk Terry Flunk but she didn't say anything about sending in a script.

I'm off to read my novel and Tao te Ching. Possibly even Zen and the Art of Motorcycle ??? Repair? Maintenance? It's sitting five feet from me but with all of Chris' stuff in my living room navigating is a little tuff.

Oh I had a mammogram today. I love the way they say pressure when they mean we're going to make you wish you were a boy. We're going to put your breasts into a vise and crank it down until you can't breathe. Then they say hold your breath, like I have a choice. Too busy freezing in pain to breathe. That's what I get for having a hematologist/oncologist. Go in for a bloodclot exam, come out with an order for a mammogram. Wooohooooooo!


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