Tuesday, November 25, 2003


10,000 words on Bluer Than the Night Sky. I've decided it's high concept. Catcher in the Rye meets Close Encounters meets One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. HA!


I'm in a peculiarly giddy mood. I posted Saying Goodbye at the big thread at the Vine and I cried a little but then I felt better.

I went for a walk today. Big whoop, around the block, but still.

It's not even midnight yet and I'm feeling like I got a lot done.

Parent teacher conference for Cam this morning. I think that went pretty well. His teachers are going to sign his agenda book and that should help with the not doing homework thing. He's reading at the ninth grade level, three grades up or wowever you say that. His math skills are also mad math skillz.

He needs more positive reinforcement and to not feel overwhelmed by school.

And now for some fun, I'm about to get the fig and the second Pogo badge of the week. Oh wait, my third because I got the super duper badge and the sweet tooth badge.

I had this kind of odd thing happen with Toxin by Robin Cook. I have been wanting hamburgers and I know they are evil so I read it again. But I just got as far as the horribly sad part and put it away. I forgot I didn't finish reading it. DOI!


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