Tuesday, June 15, 2004

In which the kids and I meet some interesting people at the ER
Cullen came running in here last night around 7, this weird yellow colour and fainting because he was cutting some wood for a friend to make a staff and he cut his thumb down to the bone. I took him over to Nighttime Pediatrics but they wouldn't see me because Chris had their insurance card and he was at Bonneroo.

We ended up at the ER until 2 AM. George Bush Sr sewed up Cul's thumb and gave him a tetanus shot. I'm pretty sure it was really the ex President because not only did he recap his needle after injecting Cullen but then he couldn't find the paperwork and starting digging barehanded in the biohazard trashcan. Only someone who is not a medical professional would something that scary.

While we were waiting to see the doctor this man started talking to us. He asked right away if the kids dad had hurt them and if that is why he wasn't at the ER with us. Cul said no, we're divorced and his dad is doing his National Guard duty. The guy asked me if I had a boyfriend and when the kids said no he yelled at me for not having one.

He kept calling me grrl, I don't know how he knew my name, and telling me there is no way I can support the kids on my own and finally asked how I did it. I was flummoxed by the question and said we do it by working as a team and sticking together.

Then he asked if he could live with me. But there is more, he would pay 600 a month. And he wouldn't be around long enough to scare the kids, he is just waiting to die and promises not to live long enough to be annoying. Then he had a pizza delivered to the kids over my protests.

This other lady came running over and started stroking my arm telling me how much she loves purple. Then she told me all about her Daddy and their horses and junkyard and how to get there and how many barrel racing trophies she has. When she went away Cul said she was really annoying and I said she was really drunk.

Then the son of the guy who wanted to come live with us started telling us about his days as a drug runner across the Mexican border and how his dad was addicted to stadol for 13 years and had to put his own doctor in prison. Good times.


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