Thursday, October 21, 2004

The funniest political article ever

From the Guardian we have Dear Limey Assholes. I love this piece because it was brilliantly put together. We have the rabidly pissed off responses, we have the thoughtful intellectual replies, the sarcasm dripping right off the monitor replies, really a little bit of everything.

I’m curious about the Guardian’s motives. Were they looking for a good story? Are they on the Bush payroll? I don’t see how anyone who knows Americans could possibly think we would take kindly to someone from another country telling us how to vote. From what I see at the Vine we wouldn’t like it if our mothers told us how to vote. Maybe it’s some bizarre sociological experiment and we’ll get to read all about it in a big thick book next year.

Meanwhile read all about how pissed off Americans focus on British bad teeth when they get upset.


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