Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Susan Sontag died

And so many people are dead from the earthquake and the tsunamis and people are fighting over whether we are giving too much aid or not enough and it all makes me very very sad and tired.

I finished Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell this morning some time. I got to a part that upset me terribly around two or three this morning so I stayed up and finished the rest of the book, thinking that all would come right for the characters but I was not happy with the ending. I stayed up for another 250 pages and then laid awake thinking why? why? why?

It's a beautiful book. Well written and witty and there is warmth, which I had worried about because I have felt somewhat removed from Ms. Clarke's previous work and when I started this one I thought what good is wit with no warmth? But I grew to love the secondary characters. But this ending. It makes me sad.

The world seems a very grim place right now.


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