Annoying results
I've been having a low-grade anxiety attack ever since this morning when Teresa blogged about the giant weenie at BEA. Look at this thing. My understanding is that you need an air pump to breathe while inside it. It seems like it really was safe and there were other publicists around in case the person inside had trouble but when I look at it I can't breathe.
I've been getting more and more claustrophobic lately. It's queer because I never was before. In fact as a kid I used to hide in the smallest little spaces I could find. I remember climbing down through this tiny hole in the back of a built-in bookcase in the San Fernando Valley and staying there for hours reading a book with my chin resting on my knees because the space was so small. And yes, that was well before I got fat. I was never fat until I had Cullen.
But since I got sick I have gotten more and more panicky in small spaces. I flipped out in the backseat of a two seater Geo Storm and had to get out. The hotel corridors at Balticon seemed much too small and narrow for me when I was there. Now I'm anxious all day long from imagining being inside a costume. This is very odd and worrisome.
* * * * *
Sometimes Uncle Google could be more helpful. I wanted to find the lyrics to a Broken Social Scene song, specifically trying to figure out the lyrics before:
Sleep on the floor
Dream about me
Sadly when I type those words into Uncle Google he ignores "on" "the" and "me" and doesn't get anywhere near what I want.
God bless quotes.
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