Saturday, July 09, 2005

I bought a new car today

Technically it's used but its new to me. The death van was acting quite funky and when Chris took it into the shop Bob, our mechanic, said to tow it to the junkyard.

Through some bizarre twist of fate I had applied for a car loan through my credit union and I was approved and got my check in the mail today so I bought a Toyota Corolla. It's a 2002 with 65,000 miles on it. It cost just exactly what we could afford and it's nice and pretty and it drives smoothly.

It appears to have a defective serpentine belt so Chris is going to take it back to CarMax on Monday and get it fixed.

Despite the fact that I was vomiting quite a bit this morning I made it through the car buying ordeal in good shape, thanks in part to one Stan who made everything smooth as silk and did not complain at all when I said we had to turn off the fluorescent lights in his office while we filled out the paperwork.

Here is a picture of the car. It looks like every other car out there. Luckily I am clever enough to get the fancy save our farmland license plates so I'll be able to identify it in a parking lot. Sometimes I'm so sharp I could cut myself.


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