Disturbing Ads
I ended up at the national pork board website, called theotherwhitemeat.com, looking for a simple pork chop recipe and found some ads that are kind of scary. Everything else on the site is most definitely pork related so it really sticks out.
First there is a text box where you can sign up for "BREAKING NEWS," I'm not sure what that means. Is there pork news? Is there pork news important enough to be referred to as breaking? Do pigs go postal? It boggles the mind.
Right below this link is an ad for TOTALLY HIDDEN VIDEOS! CHECK THESE OUT! Forbidden Love and Destiny on the High Sea. Forbidden love on a site for dead pig products? What could that mean? And Destiny on the High Sea? Pig Pirates who ravish maidens? What in the world?
Here's the link just in case you've got the guts to watch it. I'm going to try and pluck up my courage now...
Dear Sweet Jesus, nooooooo...
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