Google ad humor
I'm reading the Hunting of the Snark and there is a google ad for Maritime Injuries over to the side as well as one for ships sunken , apparently readily available on eBay. I'm hoping the Maritime Injuries are not offers to sustain them but rather to assist in recovery from them but you never really know, the interwebs are wild and wooly places.
I finally finished my column, golly what a trial that was. Oddly I wrote about five hundred words for AgentOasis last night in maybe twenty minutes but struggled for three days over an 850 word column.
I found something that said that M. Night Shymalan is doing Life of Pi (very exciting news) but then it looks like that is a mistake and I can't quite figure out what is happening with Pi.
There is so much going on this weekend, Kinetic Sculpture Race, Sheep and Wool Festival, An American Haunting opens (I think) as well as the film by Daniel Clowes about the art student (Art School Confidential? Could that be right?) And of course we have the run for the roses. There will barely be time for anyone to catch their breaths!
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