Monday, November 13, 2006

Halfway there!

I had a bad day, big headache requiring two Tramadol, and just feeling blah and not wanting to do anything. I had a total of 82 words at 6:30 this evening and I thought I might just take the day off of work and write only a hundred words.

Then I got a roll going and hit two thousand words again. Grand total right now 25,396.

My computer broke. (I'm writing this on a different computer, my own personal main computer that I've been using since October of 2000 is the one that stopped working.)

Cullen swapped its video card out with Cam's computer in an effort to get it fit for running World of Warcraft and about a week later it just stopped. The computer makes one long beep and three short beeps when we try and boot it up. We did a Google and it looks like that could be a huge number of things, depending on what kind of BIOS chip I have. Naturally I've no idea what kind of chip is in the computer. We'll see how this plays out.


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