Thursday, February 01, 2007

Bad day today

Cullen was sick so I had to take him to the doctor. The New Jersey MVA has put a hold on my driver's license (???) so I couldn't replace my lost Maryland license. Our microwave broke so I swung by Goodwill to pick one up for twentyfive bucks, pretty pleased because I had a ten dollar off coupon, only to find out they discontinued the coupons this morning. And there were no books in the used book room that I hadn't already read or that looked good to me!!

And I'm disgruntled because Pan's Labyrinth seems to have spoiled me for everything. I can't find a book I'm enjoying reading and it's kind of ruined my light mood I need to write my book.

But my boss, who is beyond wonderful, did something super for me so that made up for everything bad that happened. Whoop!


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