Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Annoying news

My hematologist called me up today with the results of my latest PT/INR. I'm meant to be somewhere between 2.5 and 3, to in therapeutic and prevent blood clots.

Instead I am 1.2, which is nearly normal. Normal is 1. The last time I was therapeutic was in December. The last three tests, one month apart mind you, were 1.6, 1.3 and 1.2. And I increased my dose when it was 1.6 so these numbers make no sense.

I'm now taking fifty percent more each day and will retest in a week.

But I'm baffled. Why? I was too high last year. It's so strange. I have a friend who takes this stuff and he is always steady as a rock. His numbers never fluctuate. Mine are rarely stable. Quite annoying.



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