Sunday, April 20, 2008

Script Frenzy

I'm nearly finished with Script Frenzy. I hit page 100 today and have just a few scenes to wrap up. The bad guy got his comeuppance, the kidnapped child has been returned, the mother is grateful and our heroes are tired but happy. Now we just need to say goodbye, send everyone home and explain to their respective parents where they have been without them being grounded forever. And of course we have to repair some of the damage said kidnapped child caused.

Then fade out. I'm super pleased because it went so smoothly. Some of it was the easiest writing I've done ages. Some of it was awful, needing me to promise I would quit if I just wrote one more word, but I average five pages a day and am going to finish more than a week ahead of schedule.

Then I think I'll think about editing the book I finished in February. Was it February? Maybe. I don't really remember. The rewrite on that is going to be ghastly. But productive I think.

Cullen and Chris are getting ready for finals, which are coming up in the next couple of weeks. Cullen is writing code and Chris is furiously building a robot.

Here is a picture of my rat, Delirium, suffering from true red eye. She hasn't quite figured out she's meant to sit on my shoulder while I type, which was Paws' job. I wrote three books with Paws on my shoulder giving me advice if I remember correctly. Delirium tends to dive into my shirt and stay there. Here she is hanging out on Cam's leg as he tries out the camera I just bought.

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