Saturday, August 09, 2008

Stripping swimmers!

I was watching the men's 400 m freestyle just now and Jensen won the heat with a new American record, which is very nice for him. While he was talking to the reporter afterwards he started taking his swimsuit off, pulling it down past his shoulders. I'm guessing he stopped once his arms were free but who knows. Maybe he wanted the interview to be over or maybe he was just tired and not really thinking. Either way it was kind of amusing and endearing.

The beach vollyball with the USA vs Latvia was terrific. Latvia played an awesome game and the players were lots of fun to watch. Go Latvia!

The opening ceremonies were incredible. I loved all the costumes and the enormous sweep of the historical portion especially. I've read a lot of fiction that takes place in China in centuries gone by and I've read about vast entertainments that I had to imagine. Watching last night was like seeing all that come to life. Just amazing.

Unfortunately all the flashing lights exacerbated my neurological symptoms and I've been sick all day. I threw up before I even got out of bed this morning and the rest of the day has been pretty much the same. I gave up on getting anything done and have been watching the Games and reading a The Dragon of Despair. Hopefully I'll be feeling better by tomorrow.



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