Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Wii Fit misses Chris

Today I was doing some yoga with my new friend the Wii Fit and it said it hadn't seen Chris around lately. There's no real way to tell it Chris is several states away and won't be back until October at the earliest. Poor pining Wii Fit.

It asks me loads of questions, most of which have a yes answer. Like Do you trip when you walk a lot? That's one of the reasons I got the system, because it's meant to help with balance and mine is crap since I got meningitis. But I've already made quite a lot of progress. Last night I did so well with the standing on one leg for thirty second test that my Wii fit age for the day was an astonishing 20 - 25 years less than my actual age. Today I was worse, scoring in my 30's, but that's still quite nice.

I've noticed that my posture has improved all around. When I was standing waiting for Cam to be weighed at the pediatrician's the other day I noticed that I don't favor my bad leg when waiting any more, which is so much better for my back. Go Wii Fit!



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