Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Rumor Control is Kind of Depressing

Take a look at this page from the Maryland State Board of Elections. http://www.elections.state.md.us/press_room/rumor_control.html

These rumors are sad. I remember some of them from the last cycle. For instance someone was passing out red flyers in the poorer neighborhoods around here with the rumor about getting arrested at the polling places. The one about one party voting on the fifth was also rampant.

I'd read about a couple of others in the papers. I'm just wondering how many people who might have believed these rumors had access to the internet, or thought to go to the official site to to find out for sure.

I posted about my voting experience at Scalzi's site but I didn't mention that I woke up sick as a dog. I took some medicine to stop me throwing up then threw up for twenty minutes straight. The medicine can't really work if I've vomited it out. I finally got it together and made it to the polls, where there was a nice long line.

It was a great deal of effort but well worth it. Cullen voted for the first time, which was exciting. Seeing all sorts of different people voting, some beaming with pride, some sighing big sighs of relief and some stoic was moving.



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