This gave me the willies
Today I was looking for data about bee behavior as they start to settling into the new hive once they've successfully swarmed. I was reading along, la, la, la, everything's fine, when I read this, which made me scream like a schoolgirl:
Expired Queens (Re-Queening): Beekeepers often times replace or "Re-Queen" their colonies for any number of reasons including here in the South attempting to control Africanized Honey Bee takeover. When a new Queen is introduced the old Queen must be removed. There is no better scent than an actual Queens scent. When re-queening simply pinch off the head of the old queen and drop her into a jar with just enough alcohol to cover the queen. After you have a few queens soaking in your jar place a few drops of the liquid in your trap. It doesn't get any better than the real thing.
EDITED to add link, which I forgot.
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