Saturday, November 08, 2008

My cat is very annoying

I've got an old grey cat called Titan. Someone abandoned him in the woods behind the vet clinic in Crofton right before Christmas, 1999, which is when we got him. His estimated age at that time was four, so he's getting up there now. He's started to show signs of his age over the last year or so - limping, not grooming and peeing like mad, but we haven't been able to get a urinalysis because he's wily.

Last night I locked him in the bathroom with a special non-absorbent litter so we could bring a urine sample with us. I put him in there at six pm and he still hadn't peed at 10:30 this morning when we put him in the car to go to the vet.

We were taking both cats and all four rats so four of us went, Cam, Cullen, Cullen's friend who I won't name, and myself. Cullen's friend held Titan for the trip as he should have been the easiest since he relaxes in the car and doesn't fuss.

Except he let loose after about twenty minutes in the car, pooping and peeing everywhere, especially on Cullen's friend, who was wearing his lucky pants.

Score Titan one, us zero.



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