Sunday, January 04, 2009

Asthma post

Just in case you didn't hear, you should know there's been a change in the propellants used in albuterol inhalers, also sometimes called rescue inhalers. My family doctor, who is fantastic and always up at Hopkins for continuing ed, I mean like every week, reports that the old propellant has been replaced with something new.

You may have noticed that your albuterol doesn't come out with such a strong burst anymore. What you may not know is that when you first use the inhaler you need to spray it into the air four times. (Not once like the old ones.)

If a month goes by without having to use it, which it should if your asthma is under control, you need to spray it four times before using also.

A friend of a friend of Christopher's just died after an asthma attack. So did Dr. Haas of the Hartford County school system, following an asthma attack in her home. This disease can be lethal even when being treated.

It's difficult enough dealing with asthma without missing key information. Check your inhaler and make sure you're using it properly.



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