Saturday, June 07, 2003

I got some excellent advice from Will. Really my respect for him is growing to the point that soon I will have to say he's my idol instead of a role model. Then he'll probably get embarassed and say oh shucks.

I'm going to punch up The Soft Fluffly Bear and send it to this agent. I wish I had a better name. pao says it's good because it's child friendly. But I want something that will make a parent want to take it off the shelf and look at it. Like auditioning I can't ask anymore than that they look it. From then on it's up to them. They are looking for something in particular and if my work isn't what they want then that's no reflection on me.

Just like if I audition and I give a great audition and don't get the part it's because I didn't have the look or sound or interpretation they wanted.


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