Thursday, October 23, 2003

Yeah so I've been really sick and not really wanting to admit how sick I am but I just proved it to myself. Don't read if you are faint of belly.

I was in the hospital Saturday and Sunday, down in Charlotte, NC,. Instead of seeing Neil I was getting fresh frozen plasma transfusions and breathing treatments and all that jazz. My PT/INR was 8.7.

So here I am. taking Singulair, Advair, prednisone and cough syrup and still coughing enough I throw up and decide since I'm off to see my doctor in the morning I'll take a bath now, what with throwing up on the toilet seat and all, I was feeling pretty grimy.

I'm in the bath, shampoo on my hands so I can wash my hair and I suddenly start coughing and vomiting again. I'm scrabbling for the side of the tub so I can reach the toilet this time but my hands are so slippery from the shampoo I'm just sloshing around, trying not to drown in my own puke or spew into my bath.

Luckily the kids hear me and Chris shoves a metal bin in through the door and I barf into that while they all laugh in the hallway.

You know how sometimes something is just so insane you know you will laugh about it later? This was so crazy I was laughing while it was still happening. Good times.


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