Sunday, November 30, 2003

44,000 words. 6000 to go. It's now 2:34 am. I have until midnight to finish. I plan to sleep twelve hours.

That will give me nine hours to write six thousand words, change my title, remember my name and password and upload the thing.

Tomorrow is all about why Tad will not touch my protagonist and then the final escape. Or is it an escape?

I had an odd experience today. My work often makes me laugh and cry. Today it had a totally different effect. Now I admit that a certain person was going on about wild goings on so I guess my brain was already down that path.

I was writing a story about a strange incident that happened to me in DC. Now in real life the hot Brit asked me what I was doing that night and I said going to home to write.

I got to that part and I started thinking about what would happen if I didn't go home. So I wrote this seven page love scene. I only stopped there as a dig at some other characters in the book.

Now I was listening to Counting Crows live concert in Paris in 1994 and I have this thing for hearing guys with nice voices speak French, or even say my name in a French accent.

I got into such a turmoil writing this story that I had to stop and play pogo for awhile. Some sort of shooting off rockets game. I know, I know, life is symbolism.

I have a feeling I am going to write a script right after this. I'll probably try and get the basics down in two weeks because I think PGL3 is on it's way to which I say a hearty hell yeahs! I miss me my PGL friends.

I might do Wrinkly Old Men on the Run.

Night all.


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