PGL3 Update
According to my reviews I must have written the worst script ever. Which is cool because I don't believe that for a second and I didn't like any of the scripts I reviewed so it stands to reason that people who write scripts with naked 13 year olds who are prostitutes wouldn't like my work either. I've come a long way towards dealing with rotten reviews in a megalomaniac healthy way.
Some of my favourite people said very cool cheering up things to me and the happy glow from that will last much longer than the twinge of annoyance from people who don't get my script.
vorpal moved up to the top 1000 scripts and top 250 directors. YAY VORPAL! I am so happy for him. He's bummed we cannot continue the contest together but it's all good.
Vin and Brian and Carl moved up. I am proud of them also.
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