Monday, August 16, 2004

Song of Susannah

I just finished reading this book. I liked it and oddly the ending didn't leave me frustrated and annoyed as so many endings do these days. Perhaps because it's not really an ending but more of a stopping point for now.

The stuff about Stephen King was a little disconcerting. I don't like it when something keeps pulling me out of a story. But still it was interesting to see some of my own fears on the page. When I read the very first book I had this terrible fear that Mr. King would die and leave the story untold. I managed to get my hands on an original copy of the limited edition of the first book in the series so I have been reading this book for a very long time. Somehow he and I have both muddled through the accidents and traumas of the intervening years and here we are very close to the end of the story.

It's particularly interesting given my own very recent fears that I am going to throw an embolism and kick off before I manage to finish any of my novels. I guess the scripts mean something it would not be like I never finished anything but I would like to finish at least two of my novels before I die.

Carnal Fear and Angels in Black Suits. Those are the ones that I would finish.


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