Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Two words - cherry banana

I went to see my family doctor today and discovered I have a sinus infection and I guess tonsillitis. She put me on this new drinkable zithromax. It's rather like a science experiment. You add 60 mls of water, shake well and then you have twelve hours to drink the whole bottle. You have to factor in a complex formula involving food. Then the stuff stays in your system for ten days, whereupon I will start over since sinus infections call for two courses of zithromax.

The stuff is billed as cherry banana. The only time those two flavors go together are on a banana split. This medicine does not, I repeat not, taste like a banana split. It tastes like fake fruit with a nice aftertaste of chemicals. The more time goes by the stronger the chemical taste. I was able to determine that the taste buds for awful, horrid, chemicals are lined up along the sides of my tongue, mostly centered near the bicuspids.

I'm somewhat worried that when my doctor said that the medicine would stay in my body for ten days she really meant that the flavor would stay in my mouth for ten days. Good times.


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