Why, why, why?
Once again I ask myself why on earth we write. Why go through this hell? Why try so hard to find just exactly the right words to express some nebulous concept? It's really hard. Why don't we do something easy like conquer the stars?
This week's column is about the new film Proof, the First Amendment Project auction and like two lines about talk like a pirate day.
I did a survey for Harris polls today and was pleased to see that more people have read fifty or more books in the last year than have read no books in the last year.
This link to the results should be good for a month.
I found out that the credit union was withdrawing the money to pay for my new car twice, once from checking and once from savings. Luckily I got it fixed, I hope, fairly painlessly but good grief, I am worried about this automatic deduction thing. First they started it two weeks before they were supposed to and then they take out twice as much money. Beautiful.
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