Back from vacation
I've been on vacation for the last nine days or so. I have had the most amazing time. I drove Cullen and Cam down to NC to visit a friend. That was very nice.
Cullen and I went to see a film called Proof Friday night and that was very nice. There was a question and answer period with the director after and that was very nice. He was all things clever and interesting. We could have sat and listened to him for a week. It was absolutely lovely.
We went to the new library. The building is very nice but seems to have run out of money before they could fill it with books. Actually they had loads of paperbacks but not so many hardback. I checked out a lot of Koontz' older books that aren't so good. The blurbs are just awful. It's hard to imagine someone is getting paid to write stuff like:
He has a knife. The steel blade gleams. Whenever you close your eyes you can see it - the tip of his knife pointing at your chest.
See what I mean? Dreadful. I started back up with that wretched Left Behind series. I'm on Glorious Reappearing. Guess what is going to happen in that one! So far I am not digging it at all. I'm not sure why I am even reading it. To finish up the job I guess. Of course there is the newer Babylon Rising series and I got the second book in that. I'm curious if it will be as tedious and ridiculous as the first.
But in terms of good books I did get Cory Doctorow's short story collection. I can't think of the name of it right now.
We saw an awful lot of movies while on vacation. We saw Madagascar in the theaters. That was loads of fun after a very slow beginning.
We saw a bunch on DVD also, The Exorcist, except I kept falling asleep to wake up for the creepy bits, a film with David Spade where he played a child star trying to get a part in a Rob Reiner film, that was cute. The second two Austin Powers films which were dull and banal and only funny like once out of two films. School of Rock was very cute and charming. Jack Black is very heavyhanded but it works. Footloose, which made me realize that I have really changed my tolerance for films. When Kevin Bacon saves the crazy chick from standing in front of the train I said if he kisses her I'm turning this movie off and I won't ever finish watching it. I've been noticing lately that I think more and more that I have no idea why certain characters are attracted to each other. Who needs pure chaos in their lives? It's a mystery to me.
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