Wednesday, August 10, 2005

What were you thinking? I asked you first!

Cullen saw an article the other day at called What Were They Thinking. The only part he read was how the author was complaining about Moxie CrimeFighter's Jillette's name and casting aspersions on the naming capabilities of Mr. and Mrs. Jillette. Moxie CrimeFighter is the best name ever! Believe me, I know from unusual names and I would love to have a name that cool.

My initial reaction whenever I see something that starts out "what were they thinking" is "what are you thinking asking that question? Leave them alone!" so it is with a great deal of surprise that I announce the creation of Fred and Georgiana's very own "What were you thinking?" site,, where we will explore the mysteries of what possesses people to try and sell their seven hundredth "haunted doll" and other enigmas other people are too scared, or sensible to examine. I'll be posting a link to it from this blog very soon and I hope everyone enjoys it.


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