Thursday, August 11, 2005

Reasons I shouldn't have to finish my really hard novel

  1. First novels are always bad.
  2. Songwriting looks a lot easier.
  3. First novels don't usually sell very well.
  4. Non fiction pays better than fiction and I already have two non fiction gigs, not that I have gotten paid for either of them but it's the principle of the thing.
  5. First novels are famous for being bad.
  6. Scripts go faster.
  7. Okay, so I suppose Bluer Than the Night Sky was technically my first novel and I have written three feature scripts and I've been writing for a really long time but it's the first novel I ever started so it must be terrible.
  8. All right I really started my first novel when I was seven or so. This thing has already won a small writing contest.
  9. I guess I will have to finish it.
  10. Sigh. Why can't I write it in my sleep? Who do I have to bribe around here to get that done?


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