Wednesday, August 17, 2005

No, really, you'll feel so much better

I don't understand the lack of masturbation in romance novels. This is particularly true in the historical romances where the author goes on at great length about the terrible sacrifices the hero is making as he gives up all other women (even hookers!) in his pursuit of our virginal heroine. He suffers and is quite grouchy while she's rather blithe and apparently doesn't even know she has any genitalia.

There are often scenes involving cold showers or perhaps immersions in mountain rivers, lakes, lochs and streams in the middle of winter, always risking ill health in the pursuit of a member that isn't quite so hard and throbbing.

Honestly I think a little wank would make everyone feel better. He could get rid of that terrible gnawing in his vitals and relax a little and maybe it would take some of the pressure off of her. Plus, you never know, it might actually feel good. Stranger things have happened.


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