Friday, November 18, 2005

33,000 Words so Far

It's weird. I'm at 33,000 words and today is the 18th. In the real world that's pretty amazing and cool, especially given the constraints of my particular bizarre illness. Yet somehow I feel behind. I supposed I would like to be at 36,000 words. I am not that far behind but I feel like a total slacker.

Fridays are hard for me when it comes to writing. Thursdays are a huge push to write my column then I work very hard to get all the newsletters out on Friday. By six or six thirty I am pretty much done. A nap seems like all I am good for.

This week was particularly hard. My column was ridiculously hard to do, I think because I was never inspired by anything. I started three different columns and then I threw away the whole thing at nine last night and rewrote it. The finished product was worth it but my goodness it wore me out.

It would be nice to be at 40,000 words by Sunday night but I might not write anything. Chris and I are thinking about going to an art museum and maybe a movie. That would be fun I think. I can't wait for the King Tut exhibit to come somewhere near here.


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