Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Rude Thoughts Alert

I was browsing through the clinical studies, trying to find something I want to include in my book, and I saw this one. It's called Effects of SCI on Female Sexual Response. Here SCI stands for spinal cord injury. I was intrigued and then amused by what went flashing through my head when I looked at the inclusion criteria:

Inclusion Criteria:

* MS or SCI
* Normal menstrual periods
* Normal hand function
* Have ability to feel sensation from lower abdomen to upper thigh region.

Does anything leap out at you about that list? Yeah me too.


Edited to add:

I was just talking about this post with a friend and I noticed the exclusion criteria:

Exclusion Criteria:

* Pregnant
* Menopausal

What does that mean? Pregnant and menopausal women can't or shouldn't be having orgasms? How Victorian is that?

My friend points out that if it's been at least six months since these women have sustained their illnesses or injuries they already know if they can have an orgasm. I'm wondering if whoever is running this study is actually trying to learn anything or just satisfying some kinky fantasy.


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