Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I'm sick and grouchy

I've been coughing a lot for the last couple of weeks and coughing up blood since Friday so I finally dragged myself in to see my family doctor today. She said my lungs sounded clear, "except for here, and here, and here, and all through here and all of this, oh that's your whole lungs! But your right lower lobe sounds great." Then she sent me for an x-ray. She said she didn't understand us asthma patients, we always think we're doing better than we are. I explained that quite frankly I've been feeling too sick to go to the doctor, a weird state of affairs that will no doubt kill me one day.

In other news I'm enjoying the Olympics when I'm not cringing and worrying that the athletes are going to get injured or killed. I guess that's one more thing curling has going for it, it looks pretty safe.


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