Thursday, February 02, 2006

WaPo Discussions About Proposed Same Sex Marriage Ban in Maryland

I'm heartsick over Erlich's insane attempt to change the constitution of Maryland to outlaw basic rights for homosexuals. This proposed amendment is so ridiculously broad that it could actually outlaw all divorce in Maryland and make it impossible for a parent to choose a same sex child to hold their medical power of attorney. A father would have to find a daughter or someone other woman and a mother would need a man to be in charge of her, a throwback two centuries ago. It's a disgusting, hateful, vile proposition and it makes me doubly sick that these bozos pretend they're protecting marriage.

Here are two transcripts of our delegates discussing the issue. One is an idiot parroting platitudes and speaking the party line of hate and exclusion and one is articulate, thoughtful, witty and concerned. I'll leave figuring out which is which as an exercise for the reader.

Transcript - On Proposed Amendment Banning Same-Sex Marriage in Maryland - Del. Adelaide C. Eckardt (R-Dorchester)

Transcript - On Proposed Amendment Banning Same-Sex Marriage in Maryland - Del. Richard S. Madaleno Jr. (D-Montgomery)


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