Saturday, January 21, 2006

Extremely Interesting Article on Malnutrition in Niger

I've spent most of the day sleeping off the after affects of being so sick yesterday and reading articles from the New England Journal of Medicine, the Body (the HIV and AIDS newsletter I get) and the Washington Post.

This story about malnutrition in Niger is interesting. It's appalling that these children were ever in this condition to start with but the treatment is encouraging.

Good news
from the Clinton Foundation regarding AIDS drug prices.

This one is great, Priests Furious Over Proposed Condom Law. The proposed law is that everyone over the age of 14, even tourists, have to have carry a condom at all time. There are some very funny lines in the article. Sadly it's because the rate of HIV infection is so high in the area. Plus they have a very high teen pregnancy rate. I'm pleased to see the town fathers doing something constructive, if quirky.


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