Tuesday, March 21, 2006

V for Vendetta, the Libertine

Sunday Chris and I went to see two films, V for Vendetta and the Libertine. Wow, they were both terrific, in very different ways. I'll be talking about V in my column this weekend, not so much Libertine.

I'm not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't what we saw. I think I remembered we'd seen a preview and it was Johnny Depp in a period piece and looked interesting so we gave it a shot. It was utterly bawdy and the language would get you banned from the Vine in about three minutes flat. Like some other British films I've seen, everyone called each other a cunt or used the word pretty frequently.

It's about John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester and how he sort of ruined his life and never really lived up to his promise. He was brilliant and hilariously funny but you get the idea he hated himself and he certainly did his best to get into, and stay in, trouble.

The film starts off with this great monologue about how everyone wants to fuck him and don't worry, he's up for it, whether you're a man or a woman, but at the same time you're really better off fantasizing about him because you're not going to like him. It's very telling and sets the tone for the film.

And in completely unrelated news someone very dear to us is extraordinarily ill. She started coughing up blood and is in the hospital now while they try to figure out why her lungs are bleeding. Hopefully they are also doing something about the clots in her bronchial tubes. If you are a praying person please include her in your prayers. Her initials are KS and she's a wonderful, talented, bright woman, only 18 years old. Thank you.


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