Friday, July 14, 2006

A tiff with my Uncle Google

I had a little spat with my old pal Google today. It was quite distressing for me, after all we go way back, all the way into a previous century but there are certain things I simply can't tolerate.

The USB ports on my laptop are loose. This has been a major source of annoyance for me because I mouse a lot and it's hard when I can't connect the mouse to the computer for longer than ten minutes without it jiggling loose. But today something new started happening. If the mouse is on the USB port and I touch the connection between the two there is a spark and the computer shuts off. This is suboptimal so I called a bunch of people then found an ad from someone who is selling his laptop, which has the same loose port problem, but has gotten around it with a 4 port USB hub that fits into the card slot. This sounded intriguing so I was looking around to get more information when I realized Google was doing me wrong.

Instead of searching on the word "loose" it was giving me hits with the word "lose." Oh man was I ever annoyed. I know the difference between the two words and I refuse to participate in the bizarre trend to pretend they are the same. Quite frankly I don't want to read anything written by someone who uses the two interchangeably, no matter how good they are with technology. Yes, that makes me snobby, a bigot and probably biting off my nose to spite my face (I don't think that's actually the expression, but it sounds nice and gruesome so it will stay) but I'm just stubborn and willful that way.

Luckily Cullen suggested I search on -lose as well so I wouldn't keep getting all these hits about how batteries lose power after two years. But still for a moment there it was touch and go.

I am still not sure how to fix this problem but I shall soldier on, much like an ant.


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