Photophobia and Me
I learned something interesting today. Dr. Rismond0, my neuro-ophthalmologist, said that the reason I have photophobia is because the covering of my brain is irritated and inflamed. She said if I get a shunt it should fix that. Which means I should be able to do film work again. A couple of years ago I was doing a TV pilot and I sat at a bar on a stool and when the lights came on and hit me in the eyes I fell off the stool. Sub-optimal as we say in my office.
So maybe this thing could be fixed. Of course a shunt is still dang scary but you never know.
And she said that the MRI I had recently showed that I have a big empty Sella but it was essentially the same as last time so not worry. I don't know, last time they said a partial empty Sella but whatever. The veins on the left side of my brain are still croggled but no more croggled than two years ago so I guess all is well.
Cullen is supposed to start eating more salt and get a 12 lead EKG - I think I mentioned he fainted in the shower yesterday? I called the number to get him in for the exam and got the cardiac catheter lab which was a tad daunting...
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